Monday, April 18, 2011

First Time For Everything

And for the first time in forever, I haven't had a chance to read much these past two weeks.
Read: At all. No new novels.
Scholarship Season.
If you're really saddened about not getting to read commentary on a different book...sorry. In related news, my friend and fellow blogger over at el Sol de la Noche did discuss Pride and Prejudice, which she just read. She called it "Pride and Prejudice and Men". She's also writing a pretty cool story on her blog, with really awesome drawings to accompany some chapters.
So, I'll take the chance to ramble a bit about 1.) Who, exactly, is on my current Author Crush list(Hint, almost all have been featured on this page) 2.) My life at the moment. 3.)Doctor Who. Sorry. Excited.

1.) Neil Gaiman
2.) Terry Pratchett
3.) John Green
4.) Jane Austen
5.) Charlotte Bronte
6.) William Shakespeare

They all have writing qualities that I love and want. One, their writing is amazing and brilliant. It flows, gets across a message, and is amazingly moving. Two, their characters are the sort of people you can learn to love and hate and love again in two hours. The sort of people you'd like to know; the sort of people you'd root for. Three, what they had to say in the novels was so right, so true, so believe them.
I love reading their novels over and over and over again. And, they're the only ones that I do read fully over and over again. Every word is a gem.

You can skip this is you like. Unless you don't want to.
I wouldn't, but that's me.
My life the last two months has been way too stressful. One, school. But school I can handle and am handling very, very well. I'm good at school. Two, stories. Finding time to work on them has become a lot harder. I like having the time to do so, but stuff keeps coming up. Like number three, scholarships. I'm applying for four; and I've been turned down for two. One didn't even contact me about not getting it. I was really annoyed. I hope I'm getting the next one, but I suddenly doubt it. None of these scholarship people want to give anything to me.
Which, I'll be honest, I understand. It's not that other people deserve it more than me; it's that I put less work into them. I don't know why, I just do. I like to write and so I can(and do) write a scholarship essay in two hours.
But that's just me. My friends do more than I do. My friends are all very good people. I am glad people do not make me compare myself to my friends, because I would probably walk away feeling like the worst person in the world.
I love my friends don't get me wrong but...look, when you surround yourself with the top actors and actress of the class, the best playwright this side of the universe, and two people who's GPA I only have the first week of feel like you aren't all that special.
And I'm sure I am. But still.
Okay, done with the dull boring me talk.

Okay, so this is going to be how I'm spending my Saturday nights until the fourth of June. No Joke. Well, except for one, when I will be going to prom.
It looks epic and amazing. And wonderful.
And I LOVE IT! Oh so, so much.
Personally, I think one of the reasons I'm so in love with this show is the idea of the Doctor just landing somewhere and whisking someone away. So far away. And they can see amazing things and do amazing things. And somewhere inside all of us we want to go off and see something wonderful.
And that's what's so perfect about it. Because there's always the slim hope that maybe, maybe it's real, and maybe one day the Doctor will land and ask me to come with him to see the universe.
That ended with me again. But I'm sure that people will be able sympathize.

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