Monday, January 24, 2011

Possible hints of author ranting

Otherwise known as 'Editor's Eye' or 'Can't believe I like reading this'.
I'll start off by saying my parents accidentally got this for me. They didn't know they were romance novels. They thought it would be a bit of nice, fun reading.
This definitely has all of the stereotypical things you look for in a romance novel; the action and bad guy come at the end, but they do come.
If you don't like the romance part of a romance novel, then don't read this. You'll get sick after sixty pages.
Still, I had fun reading it.
Until my editor's eye came out and started highlighting words like, 'whereas' and grammar mistakes. It really ruins publicized fan fiction. Which is what I call this type of thing. Here's the plot...
Lizzy and Darcy just got married; wedding night, enough said; Lizzy starts to settle into being the Mistress of Pemberly; they grow even closer; Christmas happens, Lizzy meets a bunch of nice people; they go to an interesting masked ball, where Lizzy gets propositioned; Darcy teaches Lizzy to drive a some sort of carriage like thing, they get in  a fight; later Lizzy starts behaving badly; Darcy has to go out on important estate business on the day Lizzy starts feeling better; she goes out to pick strawberries, and gets propositioned by the same man at the ball again, so she hits him over the head and flees; she gets scared by a turkey and falls, hitting her head and becoming unconscious; When she is found and attended to by a doctor, they discover that she was pregnant and may have lost the baby; turns out everything is okay, she's still got the baby, and it ends with a sort of happy/totally sickening happily ever after story.
The next one I didn't even finish these two weeks. It was more of the happy happy joy joy total  sloppy happily ever after stuff. I didn't even get to the part where Lizzy and Darcy get attacked before I picked up a new book.
(Really new, it came in the mail and I put Loving Mr.Darcy down immediately. The book is The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011, and I am in love.)
The problem is that I like the Darcy Saga. I really do. When ever my mind wants to take a break and just relax, the series is the first novel I reach for; it's mind numbing in a not as disgusting as Twilight way!
I'll explain the term 'publicized fan fiction' now. Fan Fiction, if you've read it before or expanded beyond the ones that I throw up here.
Sometimes, it's really, really good. It's got a great plot line (Neil Gaiman), has witty conversation (Terry Pratchett), and is well written (Jane Austen). Other times, you want to pull your eyes out though your ears because it has a horrible plot line(twilight), boring conversation(twilight) and is poorly written(twilight). Most of the time it falls on the gray scale.
This one is so far to the left of the grey scale that you'll find yourself enjoying it. It has NO plotline, sickenly sweet dialogue, and is...written. I picked up mistakes like in Twlight, but...this one is written like she was talking instead of writing; it's not formal, but it's readable. I'm having trouble discribing it.
It falls under the section of fanfiction because the main characters were orginally Austen's, but Lathen has altered them to the point that you wouldn't recognize them.
Now you're asking yourself, "She's read DICKENS. She enjoyed AUSTEN. How can she enjoy reading something like that?"
The honest truth is that I don't  know. But I'm really excited that I might get the third book in the Saga.
I'm not going to recommend or not recommend this story to you.

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