Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Introduction of the Author Rant

I can't read Emma this week, not fully. I have to read Book Three of Gulliver's Travels this week, and am taking it upon myself to write out notes for everyone in my group per chapter. I hope to get it finished so I can have something for you the next week. This week, instead, I'll take the chance to rant about an author I'm not particularly fond of. The obvious choice: Stephanie Myer. To be honest, it could just be "Stephanie Myer Rant: Part 1", because there is so much I don't like. I've probably just really annoyed someone, but, oh well. I'm not a fan of her's-her novels are just harlequin novels for teens. And rather dull, without any real point. But I'll get into that on Sunday.
But, on the upside, I did get my stories up on time, and am having fun working on a new idea for my school's drama production that is run by students. I've gotten one monologue and one play written and approved, and this monologue in the works. I'm really working on concepts, instead of saying right out what I want people to think about. It's fun.
Once again, sorry about the delay on Emma; but I promise to make my rant entertaining!

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