That is because my fanfiction story update day was yesterday. That is the day that stories in progress are updated. Currently that means two stories. A Blue TARDIS at Red Sunset is a cross over between The Mentalist and Doctor Who. I currently have the second chapter posted and the third chapter is waiting in the wings for next Tuesday. All that I'm willing to reveal at this moment about the story is that Lisbon calls the Doctor because something is off at the crime scene. In chapter two, The Doctor, who has decided that he and Amy will go undercover as Torchwood, and Rory would pretend to be U.N.I.T. Hightower, however wants to talk to their supervisor...So in comes Captain Jack.
The other story is Angels of the Disc, a crossover between Doctor Who and Discworld. Nine, Rose and Captain Jack land in Discworld, ready to explore. The only problem is that in Ankh Morpork, people are disappearing, and the trouble seems to be originating from the Royal Art Museum.
Actually, I updated later than I usually would because yesterday was the last chapter of my Good Omens fanfiction, Being You. It's about Crowley and Aziraphale, and, yes is slash. Not over much, but slash. I had a lot of fun writing it and was sad to see it was over.
As a side note, the book I've chosen for this Sunday is Northanger Abbey, and I have decided that for the next six or so weeks will be Jane Austen. Which means that next week may have me re-reading Emma or Sense and Sensibility. I'll pick by Sunday!
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