Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Because I'm really excited about the Doctor Who Christmas special, and won't shut up about it anywhere.
Ask my friends.
But, first, for those of you who won't want to read about Doctor Who, my fanfiction.
This week has been really hectic attempting to get it written, so please check them out: A Blue TARDIS at Red Sunset and Angels of the Disc. I had to write one at home during some free time that popped up every now and then, and the other at school during free time (And, no, during classes is not counted as free time, in case you were wondering. Before classes and during my study block is free time. Sometimes lunch, if I'm really rushed.) Honestly, I'm really proud of the way both of them turned out. Angels of the Disc has a character I've been wanting to work with, and A Blue TARDIS at Red Sunset is a bit darker than the chapters before, simply because of who the chapter centers around.
Angels of the Disc, chapter seven, introduces the long awaited arrival of Susan Sto Helit, the grand-daughter of DEATH (who speaks in all capital letters). Susan's back story for as to why she was wandering around the Art Museum will be addressing in a chapter yet to come-The next one is her adventure in the TARDIS, and I've promised a reviewer a bit of Doctor/Rose in the one after that, so it might be a bit-but I'm really excited to include her. Susan is a school teacher, no-nonsense, and can give you her Full Attention.
She also has certain...talents, passed down from DEATH. Not biological, but still. Some traits aren't passed down that way.
She can, if she wants, stop time. Well, not stop, exactly, just...create her own.
And she can walk though walls, but it's a bother to let people see you do that. They tend to get nervous.
So, in general, Susan is awesome. However, all she really wants is to be a regular...normal...everyday...human.
Well, you don't always get what you wish for, do you?
So, this chapter introduces her-and, well, Jack is still Jack. If you've read any of the other ones, or seen any of series one Captain Jack, you'll realize that he is always on the brink of an innuendo, no matter what. Jack is perfectly incorrigible-and he's got his sonic blaster too, which upsets the Doctor, who had hidden it.
So that's a funny bit. Please take the chance to read it. I've enable anonymous reviews, too, if you want to drop one of those.
If the Discworld isn't for you, and you like the Mentalist, I've got to admit that is one is very hurt/comfort. It's Jane and the Doctor centric, and they're not going to bond over romances or a game of poker-they're going to bond over how they've lost so many people, and how alone they are.
And over personal vendettas.
There are funny parts-Jane insults the TARDIS a bit, and the Doctor gets offended, and then it ends with humor as well.
I felt sad as I wrote some lines-the Doctor talking about the Daleks and the time war, and Jane replying "I was a father once too."
Which is really heart breaking. For everyone who doesn't like when people explore how broken those two really are, I'm sorry. It's just one of the big things they have in common.
Okay, on the originals front, I don't think I have anything new to report; nothing new on the play front, and my other work is hard to get back into. However, I'll tell you something-the two main characters in Electricity are broken-well, the main character in that might not be, not yet, but the girl who I'm going to have to kill off certainly is.
And I haven't written a new short story yet-I have an idea, but until it's concrete, I'm not going to say anything. It's likely it won't be finished until my creative writing class next semester.

And about the look change...I'm either going to stay with this one or not-it depends on how much I like it. I'll give it a trial run of three weeks.

Next week: A Christmas Carol! Got to have one this time of year-so I'll go with the most famous.


Okay, so I'm really, really excited about this new one. To start with, the Eleventh Doctor is actually the first one I've seen as it aired her in America for the first time-The other ones are either re-runs, or a DVD set. However, I saw Vincent and The Doctor with my brother, and fell in love with the dynamic between Amy and the Doctor-they're best friends. And I've also seen other ones, online, and watched clips on YouTube.

But this will be the second time I see a new one with the rest of America, and for the first time EVER, with England as well-I feel bad for Australia and the like but...EEP!

Another point is that I love Amy/Rory-They are, in my official book of un-official stuff, the new Doctor Who Super-Couple. Rory waited 2,000 years for Amy-and Amy never truely forgot Rory. Not even when he died and was wiped from all of Time. Not even when he never, ever existed.

And, of course, they're currently on their honeymoon-which doesn't start or end well. It's Doctor Who-what can you expect? And I've seen clips on the BBC America site. So I'm really, really excited.
I earn the title obsessive, sometimes, if I think it's important-and this is. To me.

Basic premise, as I see it, is this:

Rory and Amy are on their honeymoon, when all of the sudden, the ship has trouble, and needs to land on the planet. The Doctor needs to help them.
One problem:
Something's in their way.
And the person who owns that something is the classic Scrooge. And also doesn't like the Doctor.
So, to get him to move it, the Doctor has to get in him the spirit of Christmas.
It sounds so awesome-and, as an added plus, this Scrooge-like man is played by none other than MICHEL GAMBON.

The last Dumbledore, for anyone who was wondering.

This is me, signing off for now,
--Reader Extraordinare

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